
下文中的一些示例引用自 ClickHouse 社区文档 并经过一定修改确保可以在 ByteHouse 中正常使用。


Calculates the result of the logical conjunction between two or more values. Corresponds to Logical AND Operator.


and(val1, val2...)


  • val1, val2, ... — List of at least two values. Int, UInt, Float or Nullable.

Returned value

  • 0 , if there is at least one zero value argument.
  • NULL , if there are no zero values arguments and there is at least one NULL argument.
  • 1 , otherwise.
    Type: UInt8 or Nullable(UInt8).


SELECT and(0, 1, -2);
┌─and(0, 1, -2)─┐
│ 0             │

With NULL:

SELECT and(NULL, 1, 10, -2);
┌─and(NULL, 1, 10, -2)─┐
│ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ                 │


Calculates the result of the logical disjunction between two or more values. Corresponds to Logical OR Operator.


and(val1, val2...)


  • val1, val2, ... — List of at least two values. Int, UInt, Float or Nullable.

Returned value

  • 1 , if there is at least one non-zero value.
  • 0 , if there are only zero values.
  • NULL , if there are only zero values and NULL .
    Type: UInt8 or Nullable(UInt8).


SELECT or(1, 0, 0, 2, NULL);
┌─or(1, 0, 0, 2, NULL)─┐
│ 1                    │


Calculates the result of the logical exclusive disjunction between two or more values. For more than two values the function works as if it calculates XOR of the first two values and then uses the result with the next value to calculate XOR and so on.


xor(val1, val2...)


  • val1, val2, ... — List of at least two values. Int, UInt, Float or Nullable.

Returned value

  • 1 , for two values: if one of the values is zero and other is not.
  • 0 , for two values: if both values are zero or non-zero at the same time.
  • NULL , if there is at least one NULL value.
    Type: UInt8 or Nullable(UInt8).


SELECT xor(0, 1, 1);
┌─xor(0, 1, 1)─┐
│ 0            │

With NULL:

SELECT xor(NULL, 0);
┌─xor(NULL, 0)─┐
│ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ         │